الأحد، 23 يوليو 2017

The routine of our words: the change of words about the usual words routine

I thought you were trying to change your words about the usual routine words of people's obedience, then it will remain different in the eyes of people, oh God .. What is this Trekkie among the tricks of the influence in the people who are around you, mastering the words in which you speak together and away from the boring routine ..

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We completed the time - we got and finished up ?!

I assume he expected God's assumed information of whether he was near reality or not !! 

For whatever length of time that our Lord Almighty in the Koran to Baiji talk about the occasions of the Hereafter talk the majority of the words as past Zi "and blow in the photos" 

Furthermore, "and each spirit has accompanied it a driver and a saint" .. What's more, "the individuals who dread to heaven Zmara" .. what's more, "(Praise be to Allah, who has confirmed our guarantee and acquired everything of importance 

We take from heaven where we need to pay the specialists) .. Furthermore, others Ketayer and Kaman Hadiths affirm .. On the off chance that this happened and finished with the Lord Almighty 

.. Consider the importance of time for the universe of the inconspicuous .. No need and no need truly .. We are searching for the reason for the destiny forced on us 

We remain in it or we are now in the investigation of God .. 

So I stated: Is it conceivable that we are now in presence? We are at present, each as per his destiny, to the point of approaching God for it or to flame, we request that Allaah be 

.. What's more, when we made in the destiny of our Lord, the Almighty, from his equity, that he was watching us, we would have anticipated him in this world. 

Muhannash says Ashmna entered, for example, not Bstfrj them as a film we don't live, we live as though we live in this world and after we pass on 

The secret of the time is the best astound in the historical backdrop of savants and the old and current science really .. Why not hard?! For whatever length of time that our Lord is all-powerful 

.. is not it? Lea Mikonch really we are on account of interruption for our lives in the Nasir and our play for our lives on the planet. 

Every one of his presumptions and dreams, yet in the event that he truly thought of the requirements he has a philosophical profundity more than what is religious, that they loathe him, not really !! 

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الخميس، 4 مايو 2017

Wonders and secrets number 7 in the Koran and the universe

No. 7 If we preferred to talk to him from here to the Day of Resurrection is not saved God and the number is a secret that knows only God and God 💎 The most number ever repeated after the number one

Example 7: Human 7 characters .. Satan 7 characters .. Be 7 letters .. The king 7 characters .. The Bible 7 characters .. The Bible 7 characters .. Newspapers Moses 7 characters .. The Koran 7 characters .. Tawaaf seven runs .. The heavens are seven heavens. The earth is seven lands. The light is seven verses.

Prostration on the seven greatest (forehead and nose has the name of one greatness .. hands .. knees .. feet .. Keda seven greatest) .. The quest between Safa and Marwa 7 runs and others Ktaeyer very few simple examples

Of course, the letters are cut in the beginning of the fence Z. (Ham .. Ham .. ط .. ص .. طه .. المص .. كهيص .. الر .. ق .. المر .. طس .. عسق ..) If we count them all Repeated Btaahm in the Koran, 78 letters and admiration Hallelujah actually if Adito number of letters in obedience to the first five verses descended on the Prophet, peace be upon him in the cave of Hraa Hlaglhm Brdh 78 characters .. These are the first Read the name of your Lord who created .. So .. Anthropology What did not know .. 78 characters, my friend 😄 see what the secret ?!

 And seven doors to hell - God created the world in six days and then settled on the throne on the seventh day - Valnoritkon seven colors are the colors of the spectrum - and the fetus in the mother's abdomen is not completed only in the seventh month - the human seven senses: the sense of hearing, Smell, touch, taste, sense of time perception, sense of perception of position in relation to sport: No. 7 does not have a square root and does not accept partition and does not have a mathematical analysis

Al-Qadr .. The word "night of fate" I repeat 3 times in Surat al-Qadr if I played their letters Htaglhm 9 characters in 3 times remains 27 characters 😉😄 Violin need .. Another in the sura "Salam is until dawn dawn" the word "he" the word number 27 in Sura 

source :Primo Engineering: Wonders and secrets number 7 in the Koran and the universe

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